ENTREE | Profile | Mia Taylor
Mia Taylor

Mia Taylor


Data Analyst

SQL Specialist

About me

Mia Taylor is a data analyst who specializes in extracting insights from large datasets. She has extensive experience with SQL and enjoys transforming raw data into actionable insights.


Data Analysis


Business Intelligence

Power BI

Data Visualization

My Projects

Business Intelligence Dashboard

Business Intelligence Dashboard

A business intelligence dashboard that visualizes key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, helping businesses make data-driven decisions.

Automated SQL Query Builder

Automated SQL Query Builder

An automated SQL query builder developed to help non-technical users generate SQL queries for data extraction without writing code.

Customer Churn Prediction Model

Customer Churn Prediction Model

A data analysis project focused on building a machine learning model to predict customer churn based on historical data.

Sales Performance Analysis Report

Sales Performance Analysis Report

A comprehensive sales performance report generated from transactional data, providing insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and product performance.

Financial Data Analysis and Forecasting

Financial Data Analysis and Forecasting

A project that analyzes financial data to forecast future performance and trends, helping businesses optimize their financial strategies.